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Our services are provided through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and the Department of Disabilities Services (DDS) as a Home and Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver provider. We provide Residential, Day, and Clinical Services with the purpose to establish a legacy within the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Northern Virginia area. Our main goal is to meet the needs and impact the lives of people and their families through quality customer service.

Clinical Services

Health & Joy Services (HAJS) provide Nutrition evaluation and consultation services on a wide variety of issues to promote improved health and increase the person’s ability to manage their own diet in an effective manner including menu development, shopping, food preparation, food storage, and food preparation procedures based on physician’s orders.


These services provide non-medical assistance and supervision to support a person’s goals, desires, and needs as identified in the person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP), and reflected in his or her Person-Centered Thinking and Discovery tools. Goals may be related to the person’s safety, promotion of independence, community integration, and/or retirement.

Individualized Day Support

Health & Joy Services In-Home Support Service is provided to persons living in their own home or living in their family member’s home. In-Home Support services are blended services that provide habilitation, personal care, and other support services to the person in their home. These services assist the person to reside successfully in their home as their primary place of residence. People are also engaged in preferred activities of interest in their community as valuable citizens. A person can receive virtual support through technology from their staff. A person’s family member can also be employed as their staff for support services and assistance at home and in their community.

In-Home Supports

An alternative to facility-based day programs and takes place during day program hours. Individualized day supports may also occur during non-traditional hours for persons who are employed during the day and would benefit from the service. Additional variances may be approved by the Department of Disability Services Director, or his or her designee, based upon the person’s assessed needs, schedule of other activities, and recommendations of the person’s support team.

Respite Care

Respite care services are the provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members enrolled in the Waiver. Respite care will ensure that persons will continue to receive services and have access to community activities as described in their ISP/Plan of Care
including transportation to and from the activities. This support will be implemented as a way to give the person’s caregiver extra support or assistance as needed.

Supportive Living

Health & Joy Services Supported Living Service is provided for people to receive the type of support that will allow them to learn, gain, and enhance their independent skills of daily living such as personal grooming, household chores, eating, and food preparation. Staff will also engage the person in other social and adaptive skills necessary to enable the person to reside in the community as a contributing member. 


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